2003 - On Thursday, Aug. 28, 2003 a Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) inspector found emerald ash borer-infested ash trees at a single Prince George's County nursery. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Systematic Entomology Laboratory in Beltsville, MD confirmed the identification of the emerald ash borer. Emerald ash borer (EAB) is a serious pest of quarantine significance. Eradication efforts were completed in March of 2004. The Maryland Department of Agriculture issued a Quarantine Order on March 17, 2004.
2006 - On Monday, August 21, larvae detected in a sentinel ash tree placed in the original eradication area as part of follow up survey activities, and a girdled environmental tree just outside of the eradication area, but still within the quarantined area, were confirmed as emerald ash borer by USDA. The Maryland Department of Agriculture issued a revised Quarantine Order on August 22, 2006, that prohibits anyone from moving ash (Fraxinus spp.) trees, products, or any hardwood firewood into or out of Prince Georges's County until further notice.
In Maryland, if you suspect you may have EAB in your ash trees, Ask Maryland's Garden Experts at the University of Maryland Home and Garden Information Center or call the Maryland Department of Agriculture at (410) 841-5920.