Reporting EAB

If you think you have emerald ash borer on your property, or think you may have spotted it somewhere else, here's what you should do.

Download at emerald ash borer identification guide to verify if the insect looks like the one you saw, or if there are signs and symptoms of emerald ash borer around you.

If it looks like emerald ash borer or emerald ash borer damage, call either your county Extension office (found under the county government heading in your telephone book), or:

This Website provides reliable, objective and timely information from researchers, personnel affiliated with numerous universities, state and federal agencies, educators and outreach specialists in the USA and Canada. Information is reviewed and approved by the website content managers and researchers affiliated with the Michigan State University Dept. of Entomology, the Dept. of Forestry and MSU Extension. Our goal is to help you find answers to questions about EAB, either directly or through links we provide to many other EAB-related websites. Please check this site often because information changes frequently. Funding to support this website is provided by the USDA Forest Service.

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